Optional: 08.45 - 09.15 Visit to the data center "Boden Type DC One"
At 8:30, a bus will take you from the conference to the data center.
Optional: 09.45 - 10.15 Visit to the data center "Boden Type DC One"
At 9:30, a bus will take you from the conference to the data center.
9.00 Registration
11.00 The conference starts
11.20 Fintech Revolution: building opportunities for microbusinesses Sofie Blakstad, Founder and CEO, Hiveonline
12.20 Interview with Marie Nilsson, the ambassador for Women of Blockchain and Teknikkvinnor
12.25 Navigating the blockchain waters: Peter Altmann, Senior Researcher, RISE
13.10: lunch
14.25 Interview with students
14.35 Blockchain basics and energy efficiency Olov Schelén, Associate Professor, Luleå University of Technology
15.05 A talk with Blockchain Ph.D. students at Luleå University of Technology
15.15 Enabling democracy 4.0 Lotta Lundin, CEO and Lal Chandran, CTO,
15.50 coffee
16.45 Beyond crypto - the future of games Magnus Söderberg, CEO and Andreas Johansson, CTO, Triolith Games AB
17.15 The first pan-Nordic blockchain accelerator Stephan Nilsson and Cen Rolfsson, BITaccel
17.45 Summing up
18.00 Networking Dinner